The final chapter of The Presence of God, by Anselm Moynihan, O.P., is called The Rock of My Heart. Fr. Moynihan describes various features of God’s presence as indwelling. Here is the third (pp. 61-62):
3. God makes known his presence by touching the will with his love. “The love of God is poured forth in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who is given to us” (Rom. 5:5). Through this touch on the will the mind (under the influence of the gift of wisdom) has a certain experience of God’s immediate and loving presence, without seeing him. This experience gives the soul a profound peace. The gift of Wisdom is the highest of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which are possessed by all those in sanctifying grace though in very many their activity is obstructed or obscured by habitual venial sins and worldly preoccupations. “All tradition,” writes Fr. Garrigou-Lagrance, “associates with the inspirations of the gift of wisdom that loving knowledge of God which is quite difference from speculative knowledge. . . . Wisdom makes us judge all things by the taste, by the affective and sweet knowledge of God. . . . Although in this life wisdom remains in the obscurity of faith, without seeing God as he is, nevertheless it contemplates him in his intimate life in the measure in which we have an experimental knowledge of him as the soul of our soul, the life of our life … by the action he exercises in us and by the spiritual joy and peace we experience therefrom.” {FN: Christian Perfection and Contemplation, pp. 331, 305.}