Reading the Presumptive Textualism of Vermeulean Common Good Constitutionalism Between the Lines

One of the challenging features of interpreting Professor Adrian Vermeule’s Common Good Constitutionalism that Jeff Pojanowski and I encountered in Recovering Classical Legal Constitutionalism was to assess the extent to which Vermeule’s book is best read esoterically. We decided to respond to the exoteric argumentation on its own terms while also suggesting what we understood to […]

New LICIT Course Beginning Today: Natural Law and the American Experience

Beginning last spring, Bill Rooney and I have been offering a seminar each semester on Law in the Catholic Intellectual Tradition (“LICIT”). This fall, the LICIT seminar is “Natural Law and the American Experience.” Here’s the course description:  We will examine the content of natural law as understood in the American and Catholic traditions, invite […]