Commentary in IMTD Footnote 191
Fr. Regis Armstrong writes as follows in footnote 191 (on part 3 of book 3) of his translated and annotated edition of St. Bonaventure’s Itinerarium Mentis in Deum: The presence of this formula, “one, true, and good,” stands out in the writings of the “giants” of the thirteenth century: the Franciscans—Alexander of Hales, Bonaventure, and […]
Let us die, then
A useful text in reflecting on the death of Pope Benedict XVI, or other holy theologians, or even on our own death, is the conclusion of St. Bonaventure’s Itinerarium Mentis in Deum: Let us die, then, and enter into darkness. Let us impose silence upon anxieties, urges of the flesh, and imaginings. Let us pass […]
Prologue, ¶ 4 (Itinerarium Mentis in Deum)
In his Prologue to The Journey of the Mind into God, St. Bonaventure explains how to read theologically: Therefore, from the outset, I invite the reader to the pining of prayer through Christ crucified, through whose blood we are cleansed of the filth of vice; otherwise we might believe that reading would suffice without anointing, vigilance […]