Conference Five, ¶ 1 (Collations on the Hexaemeron)
1. God saw the light, that is was good, and [God] divided the light from the darkness, etc. It was said [in the preceding conference] that intellectual light (intellectualis lux) is truth, shining upon the understanding, whether human or angelic, and which shines forth inextinguishably because [the light] cannot be thought not ‘to Be’. … As the […]
Conference Four, ¶¶ 21-25 (Collations on the Hexaemeron)
¶ 21. The third shining forth (irradiatio) is that by which the mind (mens) is enlightened (illustratur) to persuade or incline the soul (animum); this is done by rhetoric. Hence it is fitting that the orator provide for the civic good, where there can be danger because of the dissension of souls (animorum). And [the […]